Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Daydreamer or Dream Chaser

A rainbow would not be as beautiful without all of its colors. 
A rainbow could not exist without the Sun.
A reminder to let your light shine through, so
the beauty of all your colors radiates
the beauty that is you.


Some might call them hidden talents.  Some might call them special gifts.  Whatever you wish to call them, these desires are implanted within us from the time we are born.  It could be music, art, writing, anything.  It is what makes our heart sing every time we think about that "thing".  It is what makes us, well us!  There isn't another you out there.  You could search the world near and far and it is true... the mold was broken when you were made.  Thank goodness!  It is our differences that make the world an interesting and spectacular place!  How boring would it be if we all had the same talents, interests, looks and personalities? Isn't that really the bigger picture in this great big world we live in?  To step out of our comfort zones and embrace the diversity that is our existence. 

So we have these talents, these dreams, these desires...so now what? How do you make that dream a reality?  What separates the daydreamers from the dream chasers?   It is fearlessness in action.  Now stepping into the unknown can very easily shake the nerves and rattle your sense of security.  That is the exact response that is supposed to happen.  When we step through our fears miracles occur.  Magic happens.  Stars align.  The Universe is at work.  We are in harmony with our purpose.  You see when we remain daydreamers, we hide our brightness, our purpose.  We hide the core of our beauty from the world.  We don't experience the bravery and strength that form from stepping through our fear and realizing the gorgeousness that lay beyond it on the other side.  Our fear should be our catalyst to know that we are coming to a crossroads in life.  The lesson can take us to the next step straight ahead, we could veer off to the right or left, we could take steps backwards, or we could just stand in the middle and over think until we become stuck and don't know what to do.

We are given these talents, dreams and gifts not to keep to ourselves, but to share to the world.  The world is to see all of our true colors radiate.  That is what makes the world beautiful.  So if you are holding back in fear, you are essentially holding back your beauty from the world.

What could you do today to transform from a daydreamer to a dream chaser?  What might be holding you back?  What might be the great force you find within to push forward into bravery?  Think about it, then blog about it!  The community wants to hear from you!  Let's help each other fearlessly radiate our beauty to the world!

Join me tomorrow when I talk about the first step in bravery and lead you through a bravery meditation.  So think about what may hold you back from your beauty or what drives you to move forward and join me tomorrow so as a community we can begin to meditate...together!!

As always with love,
P.S.  Join me on Twitter for inspiration throughout your day, everyday @jfremion

Copyright 2013. Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spirit Launcher

Courage is a talent of heroes.
They see their goals as challenges
and remain steadfast until each goal is met.
Nothing is out of reach of their ability.
All can and will be conquered with the sword of determination.
What we must come to realize is,
we are the heroes of our own lives.
                                            -Jennifer Fremion

So what exactly does it mean to be a hero in our own life? What constitutes strength and courage?  What creates fearlessness in action? In my own life I found that it was in some of my most difficult times, I learned the most about my strengths and ultimately myself.  When life brings us to our knees all we really need to do is rise up, and no matter what, we end up right back on our feet again.  It is in those trying times we discover talents that have been hidden in the shadows that without the challenge itself, would possibly have never been brought forth.

After conquering those challenges not only are we stronger but the people around us become intrigued by our resilience and our stories kind of take on a life of their own.  They become the perfect example to use and share with others going through trying times.  It is the trying times that ignites our spirit, opening our hearts and revealing our truth thus becoming not only heroes for ourselves but also for the world around us. This is what happens when our spirits launch.  We take off to places we never imagined possible. We start truly living a life beyond our wildest dreams.

So with that, I welcome you all to Spirit Launcher!  My intention with this site is to create a community of loving souls who are united in launching one another's spirit.  I will present each week a Spirit Launcher in the community who had a dream, got to work on making that dream a reality, and counted down to take off! You can come to this very place each day for inspiration, loving guidance, and a community that will always stand together to hold each other up.

So let's join forces and share in our support of each other's life journey!  I welcome you to share your journey and the many trips we will take in our lifetime.  To share our lifelines in community we become stronger with each step forward, as we begin each new journey together.

As always with love,


Copyright 2013. Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.