Wednesday, August 21, 2013

From Within: Meditation

Hello Spirit Launchers and welcome to meditation Wednesday!  This week I have been focusing on getting in touch with our inner most emotions.  So today's meditation is going to help us do just that.  There is no better clarity in life than to be able to be comfortable, even within our discomfort.  Allowing our emotions to run through us freely is what makes us free and viable to ourselves and life.

As always I recommend reading through the meditation a few times before we meet this evening at our designated time of 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific time.  For this meditation we will lie down on our backs with our eyes closed, focusing on our breath.  Breath deeply in and out a few times.  Lay your hands beside you, palms facing up.

From Within Meditation
by Jennifer Fremion

From within, I feel the bounty that is life.

Take a few breaths in and out.
Focus on the gentle strength of your own breath.

Feel your body relax into the ground beneath you.
Feel yourself be supported by the Earth.

What emotion are you feeling at this very moment?
Are you stressed, anxious, hurt, happy, tired, energized?
Listen to your body.  What is it trying to tell you?

Whatever the emotion is, examine the core of it.  What is making
you feel the way you are feeling? If it is
a positive emotion, say thank you to your body.
Thank you for the feeling of exuberance it brings. 
Celebrate this emotion.
Visualize it rushing through your body, starting at your 
feet, feeding your soul at your heart space, and finally rising from the 
crown of your head.

If the emotion is negative, say to your body thank you.
Ask your body what this emotion is trying to tell you.
What is the message attempting to be received.
How can you better hear what needs to be heard?
Visualize it rushing through your body, starting at your 
feet, relaying a message to your soul at your heart space,
and finally rising from the 
crown of your head.

Whether it is a positive or negative emotion, through that emotion
our body is delivering a message.  Practice this and begin to understand
the importance of not getting stuck on any given emotion.
Sit back and observe what it is you are feeling.
Appreciate the message.
Free yourself and your body from stagnant emotion.
Feel your own expansion.

Now repeat in your mind, "From within,
I feel the bounty that is me."


As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

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