Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trust Meditation

Happy Wednesday Spirit Launchers!  It is time yet again for our midweek meditation.  Today is the day we all come together sharing in the same intention of finding peace, love and acceptance in others and in ourselves.  When we join together as one with a shared intention, miracles occur.  So look for the miracles in today.  They truly are everywhere.

This meditation was inspired by one of my classmates last night.  We were discussing a particular section of reading and she asked the question, How do you accept someone treating you poorly? I've written many articles discussing this very topic.  This was something I struggled for many years with myself. So I sat and listened to her try to talk her way through the situation, knowing that the answer would come to her when she was ready to hear it. The answer lies inside of her.  Only she knows the details of the situation.  I could see her struggle in trusting in the answer she knew to be right for her and what she wanted to do.

Trust is Faith.  Knowing that we are abundantly held in this Universe is the very strength that can help us march forward as the peaceful warriors we are meant to be.  So today we will focus on trust.  Trusting in our Faith, our inner knowing and guidance.  Trust is the key to unlock the door to any struggle we may be facing at the moment.

Sit in a comfortable seated position.  Take a few long deep breaths in.  If you like, light a few candles before you along with listening to soft music.  Set a peaceful scene. This meditation will take you deep within your own heart.  So let's begin.

Continue to breathe deeply until you have reached a state of relaxation.  Then breathe naturally. Think of whatever it is that is bothering you, that you are questioning, or simply searching for answers.  Then release that to the Universe. Continue to sit in stillness.  Let the thoughts move in and out of your mind.  Do not attempt to control them.  Once the thoughts have settled, allow yourself to talk directly to your heart. 

Ask your heart, "What is it that I need to know?"
Sit in silence as long as you wish.

The answer may not come to you immediately.  It may not even come to you during this meditation.
Just be patient and trust.  You will receive the answer at the most perfect time.

May your day be filled with love and light always.


As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Brave Face

Once the mask of bravery is shed,
We can begin the real work.
We can get to the heart of what really matters.


We enter into each new moment of our lives with a sense of bravery.  It is in our most honest moments, that we can put all masks aside, let all barriers crumble to the ground, and let our original Self shine.  We have different roles with different people in our lives.  I've learned that in the moments that I shine within my own light, whether expressing it through words, my energy and efforts or my internal dialogue, everything that I do is better if I stay true to my Self.

Spirit Launcher was a huge venture for me.  I was told in meditation to "start writing".  So I began writing my first book.  But that just wasn't enough.  I felt the biggest force within me telling me to get my writing out now. Not to wait until my book was complete.  This has been such a shift for me in everything that I do.  I didn't know where Spirit Launcher would lead me.  I just knew I had to do it.  This has been a test of my own vulnerability and faith.  The message I had to send was more important than what any critic may have to say about the work.  And as professor Brene Brown states so candidly in her lectures on her own experience with critics and vulnerability, "If you're not out in the arena getting your butt kicked everyday, I don't want to hear what you have to say."  In other words, if you're not brave enough to put your heart on the line and go where it's leading you to go, you really don't have a valid opinion about anyone who is out there actually doing it.  When we are in our own creative force, we support and love others.  And through love, we forget how to judge.  You can always sense where critical people are in their own lives.  And it's usually not where they want to be at all.

Since I've started Spirit Launcher and putting my heart on the line with every article, I've had perfect strangers contact me about the material and I've had new and old relationships shift.  Most have been extremely positive.  There have been a few people who are visibly uncomfortable with me being honest.  With me putting my heart out there about where I've been and where I am now.  The heart of the matter is where I live everyday.  It influences every thought and every action.  Yet for some, the heart of the matter is the scariest place of all.  Somewhere along the lines, some people have convinced themselves that going through life pretending everything is "perfect" is what we are supposed to do. I have found from personally living that way most of my life, that living like that, we are living away from the truth. That we in fact aren't really living at all.

I've had more people reach out to me in hard times and confusing times. They are looking for the answers to life.  My advise to them always is, to be patient, stay open and the answers will come to you. It's a daily practice and most of all, how bad do you really want it?  How much are you willing to work for it? For me, in my journey, I am going to be all in.

You don't have to have all of the answers.  Life will reveal everything you need to know in perfect time.  But when you are desperate for anything, you can begin to look for the answers in all the wrong places. Sometimes though, that is a necessary part of the journey.  Although I know that is where someone is headed, until they are ready to see that for themselves, they will do it no matter what.

I know when I got out of my divorce and the failed relationships that followed, I had hit the wall enough to know I couldn't do it anymore.  I knew what I wanted in life. Yet, I felt the answers were being revealed to me, from within.  I had been making the mistake of thinking I could go outside of myself to find what it was I was looking for.  It was a strange yet familiar concept of being guided internally in my decision making. It was the very factor I had been ignoring my entire adult life, so I figured maybe that is where all of the answers lie.  And sure enough, it is.

This article was influenced by a client that I saw recently.  We've been talking very much in depth over the last couple of years about her divorce.  When I heard she immediately entered into another relationship I cringed.  But I knew this was part of her process.  I know the importance of figuring out what went wrong in one relationship before entering into another. The importance of taking the time to figure out how we got in the first relationship, why it didn't work for us, and what all we gained and potentially lost along the way.  And I learned those lessons from entering into another relationship shortly after my own divorce. We learn from living.  As difficult as that can be sometimes, it is just that simple.

So about two years out, this client's second relationship has ended.  Now she is at a major cross roads.  She is still grieving and in the confusion of her marriage that is just now getting finalized.  And the new relationship, her crutch, is no longer there for her to lean on. She is standing on her own for the first time. And I could feel how terrified she was in doing that.  I see her looking for answers.  But I do see her in the process of looking for the answers everywhere outside of herself.  

Now don't get me wrong, we have messengers in life bringing us lessons all along the way.  If we aren't able and willing to listen to what our hearts are telling us and guiding us to do, we can often times misinterpret what those messengers may be bringing us. If we are not listening to our hearts, we can fall into the same patterns.  Only we won't know we're doing it until it's done.  Again, sometimes this has to be part of the learning process.

My client looked at me at one point and said, "I know I'm supposed to listen to my heart.  The rational, logical part of me just won't let that happen."  I told her, until our hearts become our minds, nothing in life will change. It becomes the pattern of same old, same old.

I knew as she walked through my door she was wearing her brave face.  She talked about an extremely difficult period she just faced as her new relationship failed.  She continued to say, "Now that I've got my divorce papers signed, I feel on top of the world."  I wanted her to embrace that feeling, but I also wanted her to brace herself for what was to come.  In conversations over the last year I've told her you will have good days and bad days.  Feel it all.  Don't avoid any of those emotions.  It will be one of the most difficult things you will do, but in the end it will be one of the best things you can do for your Self.  

So I immediately saw her mask of bravery as she walked through my door.  It was a dizzying energy of a forced smile, racing thoughts and statements and a display shown by someone who wanted to just be happy.  She is in the search phase.  And I get it.  What I tried to convey to her even hours later was healing is healing.  It is a process.  It doesn't matter what it is we are healing from, it is all the same.  The most important part is to allow yourself the time to heal.  Everything and everyone else that doesn't serve that purpose is just a distraction.  The most important part of entering into any new relationship whether it be a friendship or romantic is being able to offer your whole Self.  Because if we're not bringing that to the table, we and the other person are getting the short end of the deal.

Our journey back to ourselves can be a long one.  It is our intention to get back that counts.  We will slip and fall, curl up and hold out.  But it is the intention of finding our hearts again and the meaning behind it all that matters.  We are all just doing our best.  We do what we know.  Once we accept the journey and let go of the exact out come, that is when the real work starts.  Miracles happen. 

We will yo-yo back and forth in our daily decisions.  We will have days of the highest highs followed by days of our lowest lows.  We don't have to pretend.  We only have to remember to love.  Love in the moment, love what is and love the lessons that life continues to bring. That is how we can always find our way.

Share with us your journey of Self discovery.  What obstacles have you faced?  How did you learn to shed your mask of bravery and get down to the heart of what matters?  Share with us, we would love to hear from you!

As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Sunday Message: Lean On

Lean in and lean on Faith.
Life is constantly changing.
Grow with each moment.


I've been reflecting a lot lately.  About where life has taken me in my past, the lessons I have learned in both happiness and pain, and the exciting ride I continue to take with each new day.  The one constant that has shown in all of these moments is Faith.  Leaning into it and leaning on it, in everything I do.  

Through Dr. Wayne Dyer's gracious writings, I was blessed with the lesson of learning about the Divine that resides in each of us.  The light that never fades no matter how many times we've willingly or unwillingly tried to dim it. The light that prevails through everything.  The power within us that never allows us to give up, no matter how tough life's lessons become. 

Lean into each moment by leaning on Faith.  Knowing that inside of each of us resides that eternal light.  A force of nature to be reckoned with. Never allow yourself to settle.  Having Faith allows us to understand that life will bring us the people, things, and opportunities we need in any given moment.  They are all of our teachers.  No matter if they bring us more lightness or are a shadow figure, we will learn something.  About them, about life, and even more so, about ourselves.

What is before us is exactly what we need.  And if we follow Faith's lead, we know we will always be taken care of.  I wrote an article awhile back called, An Answered Prayer.  An answered prayer is the beauty that aligns us with reassurance that we know what we need and that it is not just about what we want.  The flip side to that is an unanswered prayer. These arise from us knowing what we want, but the Universe knowing better and gracing us with exactly what we need.

When we lose Faith we can become a wrecking ball to our own lives and even to those around us. Having Faith, gives us the knowing and the know how to move forward with grace no matter what has trailed us in our past. Each lesson is a new beginning.  Our perception changes as we grow into these new beginnings. As we see our own truth more clearly.  Trust that you have already arrived and yet you are still on your way. 

May your day today be blessed with love and light.

As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Life And Lemons

A sour note can be a breath of fresh air. 
It is all in how we perceive it.
We are forced to look within in order to find our 
deepest strength. It is within that,
the great lesson is revealed.


I mentioned a few articles ago about this week's alter question for my yoga teacher training.  If fear wasn't an option...?  It was interesting how we all interpreted the question differently.  And it was even more refreshing when one of my instructor's said, "There is no right or wrong way to answer this."  This question really got me thinking.  The funny thing was by Sunday, I had a revelation.  I had yet to come up with an answer to this question for Tuesday's class.  I realized that for the first time in my life, I am actually living and living big.  Everything I ever wanted to be doing in life I am actually doing or I am in the process of working towards.  I get to work with my clients with my business, I get to go to work everyday as a nurse, I have Spirit Launcher which inspires me to reflect on my daily living through my writing, and now I have my yoga teacher training that is deepening my spiritual practice. I am in service everyday.  Life is good, even in the times when it turns sour.

I've suffered a lot of disappointments, set backs and down right devastation in my life.  Looking back though, without these trials, I wouldn't be who and where I am today.  It is in those tough times that show me what I am made of.  They allow my God light to really shine through.  Those are the moments where I have been reminded even when my eyes couldn't see, the abundant strength in which I am held every moment of every day.  These trials also shine an even brighter light on my triumphs.  

I've learned to embrace fear and failure as part of life.  I'm not so quick to judge myself by my actions and reactions.  As a matter of fact my internal dialogue is completely different than even a couple of years ago.  I used to beat myself up over the littlest things.  And now, it's just a brush off of the shoulder.  I get back up and try it again.  We are only learning after all.  

Perfection is a dream robber.  If our goal is perfection instead of our best, then disappointment is going to be waiting around the corner for us on all areas of the map.  But if we are leaning towards doing our best in the moment, instead of needing perfection, we brush ourselves off. We reset in the next moment as if the other never really mattered. 

This weeks yoga class was extremely challenging.  I wasn't physically feeling my best.  But I was able to still get lost within the postures and movements and give it my all.  My practice has allowed me the freedom within my own mind and carrying over to my body to just let go and do it.  It may not be pretty and it could even be quite messy, but the beauty lies within just doing it.  I'm not a fixture on the sidelines any more.  I want to be the star player when it comes to my life.  My intention is never perfection.  My intention is in the commitment of doing.  It doesn't have to be my best work.  It just has to be my best effort in that very moment.

Life will bring us lemons.  That is just a simple fact of life. They are our trials to date. We need the sweet and the sour, the ups and downs, the peaks and the valleys.  It is what makes life unpredictable and full of surprises.  It is how we handle each delivery that determines what we get from it all.  What will our take away be?  Bitter or sweet? So don't wish them away or wish them not to happen.  Look for the lessons they bring and your inner strength that is revealed. You will get to know a new part of yourself through the challenge.  Add a little sweetness to the sour spots in life.  This is how we settle the task and move on to what next is waiting for us behind each new sunrise.

How have you dealt with your own sour spots in life?  What did you learn about yourself?  Share with us, we would love to hear from you!

As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Inner Voice Meditation

Happy Wednesday Spirit Launchers!  Today is another community meditation.  Each week we join together to celebrate ourselves, our lives and each other.  I've talked lately about how I'm growing into sharing my story and my life through spoken word.  The transition from written word to spoken word has not been easy for me. And in fact, I've always struggled expressing myself vocally.   But each week with my yoga teacher training, little by little, my voice becomes more steady and able to be heard.  I remind myself constantly through this process, to be patient because I AM growing.

So before class yesterday, I practiced a chakra meditation focusing on my throat energy center.  In Sanskrit it is called Vishuddha, the center of expression.  I wanted to clear any blocks that may prevent me from speaking my truth. I want to share my inner voice with the world.  So this is the meditation I will share with you today!

Please find a comfortable seated position.  Close your eyes and rest your hands palms facing up on you legs. Take a few long, deep breaths in and release.  Feel the air fill your lung space with each inhale and then feel that space empty with each exhale.

Focus your attention on your throat.  Visualize the color blue in that space. Blue represents the energy center of the throat.  Begin chanting the word Hum by taking a long deep breath in and releasing the breath with the word Hum.  This will be our mantra. You can literally feel the vibration of the word in your throat. The word Hum is the energetic tone to release and open the throat space.  You can allow any negative energy to retire itself and move out of your way.  I chanted this for about 10 minutes yesterday.  You can choose to do it as long as you need.  The longer it is practiced the more beneficial it becomes.

Whenever you feel yourself struggling to find words to express what you need to say or mean to say, remember this practice.  Keep it close to your heart.  You will see the miracle occur right before your eyes.

Many blessings to you throughout your day.


As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Some Other Way

We can attempt to choose
the direction. Or we can follow
the given direction.  The choice
is always ours.


This past Saturday marked my 9th year in business for my skin care spa.  It was hard to believe so many years have gone by since my ideas were just dreams written on paper in a note book.  I began to look back at all of the years that have gone by.  The very beginning and the struggle to get the business going.  Then the moment in which it took flight.  Launching a dream is never simple.  It will always come with its ups and downs.  All that is needed is a heart full of love, commitment and faith.  Lean into any and all of the opportunities as far as each one will take you. Understanding that you are being led every step of the way, takes the pressure of worry off your shoulders and allows you to focus on what is important.  Your promise of purpose.

Saturday was a very special day for me.  My very first client of the day was one of my very first clients that ever walked through my door.  She has been with me and supported me every step of the way.  She knows my entire story both professionally and personally.  This got me thinking about how I gave up the opportunity to move to a big city to do this work.  Yet this new opportunity came my way and I grabbed it and never looked back.  Beyond all of the naysayers, the doubters, and the people who simply didn't understand, my mission was clear.  This was the love I went after, after attempting to fulfill someone elses dream for six years in college.  This was my dream to begin to live. And although in the beginning fear stopped me in my tracks, the Universe rerouted that dream right back to me.

That's the amazing thing about life.  I've said it many times, that no matter what, we are abundantly supported.  If fear stops us in our tracks, the Universe will send the lesson back to us in some other way.  It may not look the same, smell the same, or feel the same.  But underneath it all, it is our own gift of fulfillment given back to us for another try.

The miracles that occur in my life everyday are simply undeniable anymore.  Something very cool happened yesterday.  My dad said to me, "What is that thing you wanted to teach me?"  He then looks up an old text on his phone from months ago, of a mantra meditation that I tried to teach him when he was making a difficult professional decision.  He blew it off back then and called it hocus-pocus.  But today, he was open.  My life has transformed in the last year and a half to the point to where most people no longer question my methods. Because they see that whatever it is that I'm doing, is working.  And working well.  So I taught him again the very meditation I attempted to teach him months ago.  This time, he was willing and therefore able. He was willing to lean on faith and therefore able to receive the messages being delivered his way.  When we choose faith in something bigger than ourselves, that is when the light of a miracle can be let in.  When we continue to let that crack in our heart become bigger, the light is then able to radiate, allowing continuous miracles to occur.

I was explaining to a friend last week that the celebration is approaching for a particular Guru.  It is believed that if you celebrate his life up until his birthday and upon his birthday ask him for something, then he must grant it. I thought this was a fun and intriguing story.  My friend's response however was, "Well wishes don't come true.  And if you are going to ask for something, don't ask to find love because I've tried that and it doesn't work.  The wish never came true. It's all a joke." I could see him tensing from across the table. This clearly hit a nerve with him. I don't have his background story on why this upset him to this degree, but I can guess just by his daily actions what went wrong. The problem with making a wish about a particular person or having to have a definitive outcome is that you are not being open to what life is willing to give you. So of course that wish more than likely will not come true.  But when we release the wish as open ended to the Universe with no attachment, we allow the Universe to do her thing and bring us our fortune just as it is intended for us.  It is the attachment to outcome, the inability to lose control over matters that keep us stuck and impede our growth. 

Be very careful and cautious about the words of others who so openly try to deflate our own dreams and abilities.  They often times mean no harm.  They simply have lost faith.  When we allow control and the need to control take over, we have lost faith.  Always remember it is in letting go that miracles are allowed to come into our lives.  In letting go, we don't need our fortunes told. We need no crystal ball.  We don't need a sneak peak or a preview.  After all, that will just ruin the surprise.  Life will give us clues along the way if we are veering off course or losing pace.  We must trust, believe and know that the path we are being guided on and the direction in which we are being guided to is the way.  No matter how many times we veer off due to our own control issues, we can always choose a different way.  Whether by changing a thought, a pattern, or a view, we can choose to be led to our destiny and live within our own greatness within any given moment.

How has fear held you back from living out the life that was intended?  What other way did the Universe bring that dream back to you?  Share with us, we would love to hear from you!

As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

Friday, October 4, 2013

If Failure Wasn't An Option

Fear, failure, fatigue, forfeit. 
The progression of a forgotten dream.
Fear, failure, fortitude, fortune.
The progression of a dream fulfilled.


This week for my yoga course we were assigned a question.  What would we do if failure wasn't an option?  If fear wasn't a factor, what would we grant ourselves permission to do or be in life? I have always loved this question because it gets down to the heart of all things. This immediately got me thinking, of course.  The fear of failure has run rampant in my life from a very early age.  I lost my ability to express myself as a child.  My parents had a very practical standpoint. It is better to have a safe bet than to take a risk of something not working out.  Dreams were meant to be dreamt and then, you woke up to reality. I was an extremely creative child.  Yet the creativity largely went unnoticed.  So I shut down. My dreams were so colorful in my mind.  I just thought that the reality of them happening wasn't a possibility. So I daydreamed a lot!  I lost my outer voice.  I also lost the inner voice of love towards myself. The moment I gained that ability back in my early twenties, I met my ex-husband. And then the familiar pattern continued.

Fear was instilled in us with everything we did growing up.  We were expected to follow a certain path in order to be "successful".  The formula for life was, you went to college, you got a job that paid the bills, and that was life. It took me six long years to graduate with my bachelor's degree because it wasn't what my heart was telling me I needed to do.  And although my parent's always did their best and had our best interests at heart, they didn't know how to lead us to fulfill our dreams in life.  In fact, it was simply believed to be a childish thought to have a dream and dreams were meant to be given up on. Their philosophy was if you get a good steady paying job then you never have to struggle in life.  Parents want to know that their children are well taken care of even after they have left the home.  What they didn't realize for me, the struggle was not being able to spread my wings and live within my own creative nature.

I still remember advice given to me from a college professor of mine.  She said to me during a meeting, "Why aren't you going into professional writing? This is clearly what you are supposed to be doing.  You love every minute of it.  I'm confused as to why you aren't pursuing this?"  My response, "My parents told me to go to school to be a teacher.  I wanted to be a music teacher, but they told me I'd never make enough money doing that.  So now I'm in general education and I can't stand it.  But I don't have a choice."  Her response to that was, "Who is paying for your school?"  I told her that I was paying for it myself.  She said, "Then you do have a choice.  And what are you waiting for?"

Fifteen years later, I remember that conversation like it was yesterday.  She was right.  Finally, my last year of college I decided to take my life back.  This was my life and it was mine to do what I wish.  So I fulfilled a different dream of going to school for skin care. I felt the momentum building in my life as I completed the course with flying colors.  However, I was in a relationship that soon would become my marriage.  The offers of moving to a big city through connections of my instructor's caused the fear to settled in.  The self talk started up of what if I fail, what if I move across the country and I don't become successful, what if I get out there and I'm just not good enough?  And then the momentum stopped.  I clipped my own wings again, purely because of the fear factor of failure.

It took a good portion of my adult life of picking up the pieces of my shattered heart that I had been a willing participant in, to finally figure out that fear and failure are all a part of life.  And in fact the more you fear something, the more you have to push yourself to do it.  Often times, it is your own calling that is signalling to you that now is the time.  The fear threshold is there to be walked over.  It doesn't always happen gracefully, but that is totally fine.  Just as long as you get to the other side of fear, a new unfolding in life is waiting there for you. You will be tried and tested.  It is all part of this amazing process.

It has been my mission especially the past year and a half to push myself beyond my fear threshold.  Every time I've met it there, I've come out on the other side with the reward of being alive in life and what is next to come.  It's not easy to look fear in the face and say bring it on!  But let your heart race, become dizzy and shaking, become terrified in the challenge of knowing that it is just that, a challenge.  And what awaits you on the other side is something spectacular.  In your own momentum you will build a strength of faith, trust and knowing that this is all part of the process.  What we live out is what we learn about ourselves.  Fear is a test that can show us abilities deeply residing within us that have been waiting to come out, be seen and be used.  It is developing our strongest sense of self.

This week's assignment will be an interesting one for me. So I'm going to dig deep this next week.  Maybe there is a forgotten dream that I need to bring back to life.  My mission in dealing with fear has included understanding the process of pursuing a dream and living life always has a fear element and the possibility of failure. It is what we take with us in those moments that carry us to our fortune, our destiny.  They bring us back to our original Self.

So if failure wasn't an option, what would you be doing?  And if you haven't started, what is holding you back?  How could you get closer to loosening your own restraints and going for it?  Share with us, we would love to hear from you!

As always with love,


Email me at

©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Out Loud

Say out loud only what you mean.
And think only what you would say.


One week ago I had the pleasure of meeting all of my yoga teachers.  Yes there are two instructors for the course, yet I was sitting in a room full of not just my yoga-mates and two instructors, but all of my new teachers. Not only will we all get to know one another very closely through the course, but through getting to know each other, we will deepen our knowing of ourselves.  There are maybe fifteen or so of us all together and there was an immediate warmth to the atmosphere.  A huge part of it was the openness of my instructor Dani.  She immediately informed us that this class was meant to expand our knowledge on yoga and meditation, but it was also to help us get rid of "all of our shit" in order to do so.  With that statement, I had butterflies thinking about how this class is going to deepen my life in so many ways.

I began writing my first book at the first of the year.  As I was expanding on the chapters something just didn't feel complete.  Something told me that taking this yoga course would give me the completion to my book. I believe wholeheartedly that it is going to help to deliver a deeper sense of completion in my life.  

Spirit Launcher has broadened my bravery as I express my inner most experiences and knowledge of my own life, every day with friends, family and perfect strangers.  It has allowed me to stand in my truth even more honestly than I ever have before.  As we went around the room in last Tuesday's class, we introduced ourselves and told a snippet of our own stories.  What brought us to the class, what life was like before our practice, where we are now and where we wish to go within it.  

On my way home from the class, I realized that I had the opportunity to speak about my life.  I'm so used to writing about it, it almost seemed foreign to talk about how I came to be where I am.  It then occurred to me, that this experience is going to enable me to tell my story out loud.  My written voice is one thing.  I love being gifted each new day material to share with the world.  But speaking, brings an entirely different element. One of my goals is to begin lecturing about my own life experiences.  Clearly, this is where I'm being led to next.

This class will be full of surprises.  I could never predict what all will come of this course.  But I will predict it is another stepping stone in my promise of purpose. It will be an even bigger heart opener.  And I am ready to receive and deliver.  My written voice can say what it needs to say.  Now my spoken voice will learn to do the same.  I no longer have to hold back.  I can find the freedom to break through all of my constraints. I can find comfort, within the newness of telling my story out loud.  Now, it can be seen and now it will be heard. 

Our voices are our life's song.  I am no longer too fearful to sing out loud.  To be the voice that is heard. To be the message behind that voice.  This is me, standing in my truest self.  As the message during meditation told me a few weeks ago, "You're just getting started", I am ecstatic with where I've been, with where I am in this very moment, and with where it is I will be going. For my life's concert, I have the best seat in the house.

How do you show yourself out loud?  Share with us, we would love to hear from you!

As always with love,


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©2013 Jennifer Fremion. All rights reserved.